Thursday, November 11, 2010

My DIY Filing Cabinet...from drab to fab

I have had this ugly filing cabinet following me from house to house sitting in the garage taking up space. It was on its way to the tip and a brand new model was about to be bought to replace it when I thought perhaps a paint job would be a good idea and then I thought about wallpapering it. I did a bit of research and began the project. I LOVE the results.

What you will need

Modge Podge (can be purchased from Art Stores, Spotlight, Scrapbooking Stores)
Spray Paint ( I used 2 cans)
Wallpaper or Scrapbooking paper
Rotary Cutter
Sponge Brush

So this is the before shot after I had sprayed the handles.

I measured the drawer which is exactly A3 size which made it easy, then very carefully measured the drawers and made my template which you can see here.

On one drawer I did cut the paper a little larger hoping to fold back the edges and have a clean look but they would not stay glued down so I made them all the exact size as the drawer.

I tried spray adhesive but it did not work on the metal and found modge podge worked a treat. I then used the modge podge on top of the paper which also acts as a sealant.

This is one drawer down and me getting very excited, jumping up and down actually.

I then removed all the drawers and sprayed the whole cabinet, it took 3 coats for a good coverage.

This is my finished result.........I LOVE it sooooooo much and cant wait to get it to the new house next week and into my long awaited craft room.

Hope you enjoyed this DIY, feel free to ask me any questions.


  1. looks gorgeous!!
    well done. will have to keep this one in mind!!

  2. wow hon!!! that looks AMAZING!!!!! and the fun part is, you can so easily change it when you get bored of one look.... well done babe

  3. Great work - cannot wait to see the craft room - very envious!!!

  4. That is one very successful makeover! How much nicer is it than one you could have bought too! Just gorgeous. xxx

  5. WOnderful idea and a fabulous tutorial!! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

  6. Thanks all...Merrilyn I want to wallpaper everything in site too. Sooooo many gorgeous ones to choose from these days.

  7. That is just stunning, Janina! Thank you so much for sharing your process - I want to go out and find myself a vintage filing cabinet now! May I ask what wallpaper you used for this?

    Much love,
    Nancy (BYW)

  8. Great tutorial! I like that you included the revised ideas (like spray mount vs. mod podge). That's helpful for people like me who like to wing-it when we start projects.

  9. LOVE this! I've made one of my drab file cabinets to fab too!

  10. It's a keeper! It did this to years ago and am getting ready to paint it again. Great job!

  11. Oh I am going to do this in my husbands office, he has a file cabinet just like that! Thank you so much for showing us this great DIY, I am book marking it right now!

  12. Nancy, the wallpaper is made by Zoffany and the design is Nostell Priory. A friend had a spare roll. Katie, would love to see your drab to fab if you feel like emailing it to or popping in a link to it if it is blogged.

  13. Wow, you clever chick! that looks so awesome!!! Thanks for sharing and inspiring me. Definitely going to jazz up my filing cabinet too:)

  14. Stunning! Who needs a new one when you can create this yourself? Counting down the sleeps.......bring on Piccadilly!

  15. Looks gorgeous! Where do you get the wallpaper?

  16. Simba, it was bought at the Wallpaper place on Shannon Ave in Geelong West if you are local

  17. It looks gorgeous, you did a great job!

  18. What a great DIY project! So cute with the wallpaper!


  19. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!! Will be trying this out with my filing cabinet. It's already on my to do list now. Thanks for sharing.

    Mod Podge is an amazing product.

